Big data and AI for modeling of climate impact to vector diseases spread
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Zentrix Lab is developing an Early Warning System Climate and Detection and Mitigation for Sand Fly-borne Diseases (Environment and health), based on retroactive dataset of climate and vector disease, originating in last 50-100 years back.
CLIMOS aims to assist mitigation of climate- and climate change-induced emergence, transmission and spread of vector-borne and zoonotic pathogens based on Eco-health and One Health approaches. This will be achieved by quantifying climate and environmental-related drivers of sand fly vector populations and the sand fly-borne diseases (SFBDs) across Europe.

The project will provide an Early Warning System (EWS) and decision support frameworks for more accurate climate and health modelling, prognosis of infection risk and range expansions, and adaptation options. Socio-economic analysis and risk assessments will inform decision support providing social and cost-benefit evaluations.
Towards these goals, an open access interactive CLIMOS online platform will be developed containing data on vector and SFBD species geography and up-to-date monitoring, climate, environment, and mathematical algorithms. The accompanying educational platform will enable evidence-based mitigation decision-making by social, environmental and financial stakeholders, public bodies and policy makers.
CLIMOS will generate science-based predictions, actions and policy-relevant recommendations to mitigate climate change-induced emergence and spread of SFBDs, by providing: precision vector and infection surveillance methods and networks across 10 countries; creation of big data time series (on vectors, disease, micro and macroclimate, environment and health, and on infection risk) to be available also for use at the EU Climate and Health Observatory, and as European Commission ISA JoinUP open-source tool for public and healthcare; new interoperability data ontologies (Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology [OBO] and Open Geospatial Consortium [OGC] for SFBDs and climate); new innovative technical solutions for vector monitoring (new trapping solution and EWS components); and at least 45 peer-reviewed open access publications, 2 policy reports, and diversity of public engagement materials.

Project goals and duration
The main objective of this project is to support the establishment of an early warning system (EWS) for sand fly triggered health infections and potential diseases, including all endemic sand fly vectors and the main pathogens (Leishmania parasites and phleboviruses). The approach will be prospective, i.e. generate predictions to assist policy recommendations, provide interactive maps for risk management and carry out adaptation cost and benefit assessments.
Project kickoff is in September of 2022 and it’s planned to last for 3 years.
Zentrix role in the project
Zentrix has an important role as a technical coordinator of the Climos Project. Using our technical expertise and experience we will develop CLIMOS Early Warning System, assemble prototypes of sensors and traps. Furthermore, we will participate in testing and validation of the Early Warning System with other partners, analyse the hardware production, scale up of the products, traps and materials used.
Zentrix Lab has participated in the consortium building and drafting phase, and had a leading role on the proposal preparation – using its experience in project writing and project submission process.
Meet the CLIMOS team – Members of the Consortium
The Consortium of the CLIMOS project has been made up by 29 participants from 16 Countries. Members include prestigious European universities, research institutes, government organizations, non profit organisations and SMEs. Project coordination will be done by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
It is expected that CLIMOS outcomes will provide an early warning system and support structures for more accurate modelling of climate, health and prognosis of infection risk, which should encompass socio-economic analysis and risk assessments to support decision-makers by providing social and cost-benefit appraisals.
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