REVIVE - Extended Reality for preservation of endangered languages


  • XR

REVIVE (Community-centred language REVItalisation powered by heritage-led storytellling and digital innoVation in Europe) brings together an international consortium of European academic and industry partners from the UK, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Estonia.

The aim of this project to use 3D immersive technologies and digital innovation such as Extended Reality (XR) technologies, data visualisation and archival research for the protection of Europe’s heritage and linguistic capital. This is aligned with the Faro Convention and the principles of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), and European policies in the context of Endangered Languages and Linguistic Diversity and Digital Society.

Languages are part of our shared Cultural Heritage and gateways to European multicultural identity. Within this framework, Endangered Intangible Heritage and Language (EIHL) communities hold unique traditional knowledge that supports a distinct sense of place-making and long traditions of cultural and heritage sustainability within some of the most vulnerable ecosystems. Although digital technologies provide a uniquely powerful opportunity to revitalise EIHL, previous efforts have predominantly concentrated on preserving grammatical/lexical aspects. There remains untapped potential in exploring the integrated use of immersive technologies and participatory storytelling for linguistic heritage revitalisation through active community engagement.

Taking advantage of XR (Extended Reality) technologies, REVIVE will produce the first EU online digital scaffolder comprising a) an online repository (and showcase) of old material testimonies collected by locals and new XR digital narratives and b) onsite exhibitions, setup in selected communities’ venues.

Project goals and duration  

The main results of the project are creation of digital contents and stories to promote reawakening of two endangered languages. Project will provide a digital gallery about heritage of languages to address the gathering, search, and exhibition of EIHL at European and local levels.

Zentrix role in the project 

Zentrix Lab is working on the digital platform for preservation of endangered languages in Europe based on two concrete case studies and cultural contexts: Cornish (UK), and Griko (Italy).

Meet the REVIVE team – Members of the Consortium

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  • DATA
Transforming transport with Space technologies

Transforming transport with Space technologies

Zentrix has joined forces with NELT and European Space Agency to develop new services for road transport optimisation, that has a potential to streamline the border waiting and improve estimation of the time of arrival of fleet.

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